Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) is a UK-wide programme that has been helping businesses to innovate and grow for over 40 years, with a national application success rate of over 80 percent.

A KTP is a three-way partnership between your business, a UK University, and a graduate.  The knowledge is developed and transferred into the business by the graduate, known as the ‘Associate’, who is employed by the University but works at the business.  KTP partnerships seek to create the capabilities the business needs to develop its products or services.

The partnerships vary in length between 1 and 3 years and require a connection to the longer term strategic intent of the business – access to new markets, increases in sales income, reductions in cost and increases in profitability, for example. The project benefits the University in terms of research, publications and enhanced relationships with industry. This provides a significant, lower risk advantage for innovation.

KTP is part funded by a grant, so you will need to contribute to the cost.  The amount you will need to contribute is dependent upon the size of your business, and the length and scale of the project.  SMEs can expect an annual average contribution of approximately £23,000, and large businesses can expect an average annual contribution around £30,000.

Past and present KTPs within the Centre for Strategic Marketing and Sales are:

  • Addleshaw Goddard
  • MESH Planning